30 Days, 100 pages. No fooling.

I just signed up for the ScriptFrenzy challenge. The challenge is to write 100 pages in 30 days, starting today. Not an April Fool’s joke but it will be fun. Script development on our latest project has been going a little slow here, so this may be the kick in the pants I need. I’ll … Read more

Imported from Detroit

Imported from Detroit

This gives me chills. Beautiful, gritty and honest. One of the strongest examples of re-branding, not just of a car, but of a whole city. No touristy tag-lines here. The producers made some smart, strategic choices when creating this. Seriously, I grew up here and this makes me proud. Tell me if you can feel … Read more

Why We Make Films

Why We Make Films

This short was made by David Reynolds as an entrant for the Pepsi film makers challenge. I think it really captures the ups and downs of independent film. Switch to 720p and feel the magic.
