Here is a list of the Podcast Equipment we use in the studio:
Heil PR-40
If there is one place you want to spend a little, it's here.
Heil PRSM-B Shock Mount
I prefer the "B" for Black. I think it looks cooler.
BSW RE320POP Fine Mesh Metal Screen Pop Filter
This is only sold by Broadcast Supply Worldwide. They, too, make one that matches the silver/champagne color of the mic, but I like the black one. Your choice.
Heil PL2T Heavy Duty Mic Boom Arm w/ C-Clamp
Mackie 1402-VLZ4 Mixer
This mixer allows me to have multiple interview mics IN THE STUDIO, as well as inputs for Skype interviews, computer audio, and room to grow. You probably do not need a mixer this big, so you can save some money and get the Mackie 1202-VLZ4 or the smaller Mackie 802-VLZ4. Mackies are built like a tank and will last you for years. There are cheaper mixers, but I don't recommend them.
Sony MDR-7506 Large Diaphragm Foldable Headphones
These are the studio standard. Been using them forever, on set and in the studio. They fold up so you can toss them in a bag. Great sound for a great price.
Roland R-05 Digital Recorder
Rather than taxing your computer and risking a crash during recording, record your podcast to this small device. Solid as a rock. Plus, it has a great-sounding mic built in, so you can take it on the road for on-location interviews.
Roland Recorder Power Adapter
Oddly, the Roland R-05 doesn't come with a power supply. Which is okay for interviews on the road, but in the studio it's a good idea to have one of these.
Other things you'll need:
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