Here’s How to Submit your Rating and Review on IMDb
First of all, thanks for considering to review our film!
We really, REALLY appreciate that. A LOT!
Your review will help us stand out on Amazon, which is why it’s such a big deal.
Below you’ll find the simple steps to submit your review on IMDb.
Leaving a review on IMDb is fairly simple and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete.
Step 1: Go to the film's page on IMDb
Step 2: Click on Sign In
You need to Sign In to leave a review.

Step 3: Sign In to IMDb
Sign in with an IMDb account if you have one, otherwise you can sign in with several other options. Or, you can Create a New Account on IMDb.

Step 4: Click on User Reviews
Or, you can click Rate. They go to the same place.

Step 5: Click on Review this Title
A window should pop open to write your review.

Step 6: Give the film an honest rating and review
Click on the stars to give the film a Star Rating, with 1 being the worst, and 10 being the best.
Then, write an honest review for the film. It doesn't have to be longer than Tweet-sized (two sentences). Then click Submit.

Step 7: Enjoy the good karma
Your review helps indie filmmakers like me a great deal. So thanks a TON! 🙏